A common question we get is what are veneers?
Veneers or Porcelain Laminate Veneers are the strongest way to repair a broken portion of your tooth. They are used to correct the same things as bonding does. They can cover up discoloration, repair a damaged tooth or change the shape or size of your teeth. Many doctors highly suggest veneers for cosmetic reasons if there has been damage to natural teeth or if you are simply unhappy with how your teeth look. They are much stronger than bonding. They will not pick up stain like bonding does. They will retain their luster, unlike bonding. They will usually last 4 or more years. I have seen them last 20 years.
Some veneers can be made with little or no preparation of the teeth. This will increase the thickness of the teeth and not everyone is a candidate for this no-prep veneer. Ask your dentist if you are.
Ideally, models of your teeth can be waxed-up so one can see the size and shape of the final product before any preparation has been started. This is a two appointment procedure. The first appointment is the preparation phase. A small amount of enamel is removed off the front of the tooth and an impression is made. The impression is sent to the lab and the lab makes a front of the tooth, much like a false fingernail, out of porcelain. The dentist tries in, bonds, trims and polishes the veneers at the next appointment. The seating is usually a time consuming appointment and can last for hours. But usually quite worth the wait.
Compared to crowns, veneers are a more conservative method for restoring a moderately fractured tooth. They average from $750 to $2000 per tooth. Make sure you select a dentist that has the proper training to do an excellent job. Make sure your dentist shows you photos of actual cases that they have performed to see the quality of their work.