Dentrix Dental Solutions
Premium Dentist Listing
Premium Dental Listing$49.95 per year
(Your first 3 months are free!)
Upgrade to a link member
(Your first 3 months are free!)
- Great for dentists with an existing web site
- Direct link to your existing web site
- Click to Call button on mobile phones
- Increases your SEO search engine ranking
- Relevant High Page Rank SEO Backlink
- List in multiple zip codes and cities
Our guarantee: You will get at least one patient or the next year is free!
Lite Member Dental ListingFREE
- Static Text Listing
- No Link to existing web site
- Listed in one city and zip code
Upgrade to a link member
Pay safely with PayPal.
Premium Registration Benefits
Dental directory listing in Dentistinfo.com. For those with an existing web site, this is the listing for you. You get a high page rank, relevant, backlink to your existing web site, great for SEO. Your name or practice name and your address and phone number appears on the search results summary page which is a direct link to your existing web site. On mobile phones there is a ‘Click to Call’ button for easy contact. You can also be listed in as many cities and zip codes as you would like.
Lite Member Benefits
Dental directory listing in Dentistinfo.com. Your name or practice name and your address and phone number appears on the search results summary page, only! You are listed in only one city and zip code, unlike the premium link member.
There is no link to your site!
There is no link to your site!
Email us at info at dentistinfo dot com to upgrade your listing!
While we are awaiting PayPal confirmation for your premium membership, your name, address and phone number will be entered into our database and will be searchable but will only appear in our Dentist Search Results Page which shows summary information only.Soon after your payment clears, your link will be activated.